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Introduction: statistical model

We will illustrate the proposed workflow for summarization of sets of proteins with shared peptides.

Let us consider a group of \(K\) proteins that share peptides. For each spectral Feature \(f\) we define the following set: \[\begin{equation*} V(f) = \{k \in 1, \ldots, K: \text{ Feature f matches to Protein k}\} \end{equation*}\] We propose the following model for summarization: \[\begin{multline} X_{cf} = \mu + \sum_{k \in V(f)}Weight_{fk}\left(Protein_k + Channel_{kc}\right) + Feature_{f} + \varepsilon_{cf}, \\ \forall_k \sum_{c = 1}^{C}Channel_{kc} = 0, \sum_{k = 1}^{K}Protein_k = 0, \sum_{f = 1}^{F} Feature_{f} = 0, \mathbb{E}\varepsilon_{cf} = 0, \varepsilon_{cf}\, iid %\stackrel{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2) \end{multline}\] subject to the following constraints: \[\begin{eqnarray*} \forall_{f} \sum_{k \in V(k)}Weight_{fk} &= 1, \\ \forall_{f, k} Weight_{fk} &\geq 0, \end{eqnarray*}\] where \(X_{cf}\) denotes the log-intensity of Feature \(f\) in Channel \(c\), \(Feature_{f}\) is a fixed effect associated with spectral features and \(\varepsilon_{cf}\) denotes random error. As the model is fitted for each Run \(mt\) separately, indices \(f\) and \(c\) should be understood as \(f(mt)\) and \(c(mt)\), respectively. The sum of effects \(\mu + Protein_k + Channel_{kc}\) describes the abundance of protein \(k\) in channel \(c\). Parameter \(Protein_k\) describes the baselines abundance of \(k-th\) protein, while the term \(Channel_{kc}\) allows us to model the shape of protein-level profile. Thus, protein-level summary for protein \(k\) in Run \(mt\) is given by \(\widehat{Y}_{kc} = \hat{\mu} + \widehat{Protein}_{k} + \widehat{Channel}_{kc}\). Statistical and implementation details can be found in accompying paper (see citation("MSstatsWeightedSummary")). In short, the model is fitted for each cluster of proteins separately via an iterative procedure which alternates between fixing Weights and estimating other effects, and estimating Weights while holding other parameters fixed.

Protein summarization workflow

First, let us load the required packages:

Input format and example data

We will use the following simulated data set as an example:

#>    ProteinName PeptideSequence Charge    PSM    Run Mixture TechRepMixture
#>         <fctr>          <char>  <num> <char> <fctr>  <fctr>         <fctr>
#> 1:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1              1
#> 2:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1              1
#> 3:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1              1
#> 4:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1              1
#> 5:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1              1
#> 6:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1              1
#>    Channel BioReplicate Condition Log2Intensity Intensity IsUnique
#>     <fctr>       <fctr>    <fctr>         <num>     <num>   <lgcl>
#> 1:       8          1_1         8      16.47425  91042.57     TRUE
#> 2:       7          1_1         7      16.75157 110338.30     TRUE
#> 3:       6          1_1         6      16.98772 129961.28     TRUE
#> 4:       5          1_1         5      17.03397 134194.66     TRUE
#> 5:       1          1_1         1      17.37219 169648.74     TRUE
#> 6:       2          1_1         2      17.32688 164403.55     TRUE
#>    log2IntensityNormalized AbundanceStandard
#>                      <num>             <num>
#> 1:                16.47425       -0.59205067
#> 2:                16.75157       -0.31473021
#> 3:                16.98772       -0.07858202
#> 4:                17.03397       -0.03233669
#> 5:                17.37219        0.30588675
#> 6:                17.32688        0.26057756

This data set contains some additional columns. Required input consists of the same columns as MSstatsTMT format: ProteinName, PeptideSequence, Charge, PSM, Run, Channel, Intensity, Condition, BioReplicate, Mixture, TechRepMixture.

required_input = simulated_dataset[, .(ProteinName, PeptideSequence, Charge, PSM, Run, 
                           Channel, Intensity, Condition, BioReplicate,
                           Mixture, TechRepMixture)]
#>    ProteinName PeptideSequence Charge    PSM    Run Channel Intensity Condition
#>         <fctr>          <char>  <num> <char> <fctr>  <fctr>     <num>    <fctr>
#> 1:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       8  91042.57         8
#> 2:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       7 110338.30         7
#> 3:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       6 129961.28         6
#> 4:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       5 134194.66         5
#> 5:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       1 169648.74         1
#> 6:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1    1_1       2 164403.55         2
#>    BioReplicate Mixture TechRepMixture
#>          <fctr>  <fctr>         <fctr>
#> 1:          1_1       1              1
#> 2:          1_1       1              1
#> 3:          1_1       1              1
#> 4:          1_1       1              1
#> 5:          1_1       1              1
#> 6:          1_1       1              1

There are three proteins in this data set. Each protein has one unique peptide and shares multiple peptide with every other protein.

Finding protein clusters

If output of signal processing tools lists all proteins that match to a given protein, data should be converted to a format where each row corresponds to a single observation of intensity by Protein, PSM, Run and Channel. This means that shared peptides will appear multiple times in the PSM table, once for each matching protein. If the output only lists a single protein, adjustProteinAssignments function can be used to add all candidate proteins via sequence matching. The example data set already includes all possiblities.

This package provides tools for finding connected components of the peptide-protein graph. Functions createPeptideProteinGraph and addClusterMembership can be used to annotate the data set with IDs of protein clusters, as illustrated below.

pp_graph = createPeptideProteinGraph(required_input)
required_input = addClusterMembership(required_input, pp_graph)
unique(required_input[, .(Cluster, ProteinName)])
#> Key: <ProteinName>
#>    Cluster ProteinName
#>      <int>      <char>
#> 1:       1   Prot_0001
#> 2:       1   Prot_0002
#> 3:       1   Prot_0003

Functions getClusterStatistics and plotClusterStats can be used to calculate and visualize additional summary statistics such as counts of unique and shared peptides in each cluster.


In the format with duplicated rows for shared peptides, normalization requires care. To ensure that each feature intensity is used only once for normalization, we provide a function called normalizeSharedPeptides. This function performs feature-level normalization of data previously implemented in MSstatsTMT package. As a result, a column called log2IntensityNormalized is added to the data.

head(simulated_dataset[, .(ProteinName, PSM, Run, Channel, log2IntensityNormalized)])
#>    ProteinName    PSM    Run Channel log2IntensityNormalized
#>         <fctr> <char> <fctr>  <fctr>                   <num>
#> 1:   Prot_0001  P11_1    1_1       8                16.47425
#> 2:   Prot_0001  P11_1    1_1       7                16.75157
#> 3:   Prot_0001  P11_1    1_1       6                16.98772
#> 4:   Prot_0001  P11_1    1_1       5                17.03397
#> 5:   Prot_0001  P11_1    1_1       1                17.37219
#> 6:   Prot_0001  P11_1    1_1       2                17.32688


Protein-level summarization is the main functionality of this package. We extend the MSstatsTMT workflow by jointly estimating the abundance of all proteins in a given protein cluster. This is done via an iterative procedure implemented in the getWeightedProteinSummary function. This function requires following input:

  • feature_data: input data in MSstatsTMT format. If columns Cluster and log2IntensityNormalized are not provided, clusters will be computed and the log-intensity column will be added under the assumption that intensities have been normalized,
  • norm: norm for the residuals (objective function): can be equal to “Huber” (Huber norm/loss) or “p_norm” (p-norm).
  • norm_parameter: value of p parameter (for norm = “p_norm”) or M parameter of Huber loss (for norm = “Huber”).
  • weights_mode: “contributions” or “probabilities”. The former option constraints feature-protein weights to be non-negative and sum to 1 for each feature, the latter option removes the “sum to 1” condition, instead restricting weights to [0, 1] interval. Defaults to “contributions”.
  • tolerance: tolerance for differences between weights in the iterative procedure.
  • max_iter: maximum number of iterations of the iterative fitting algorithm.
  • save_weights_history: if TRUE, weights from each iteration will be included in the output.
  • save_convergence_history: if TRUE, differences between weights from consecutive iterations will be included in the output.
summary = getWeightedProteinSummary(simulated_dataset, norm = "Huber",
                                    norm_parameter = 0.1,
                                    max_iter = 30)

Output of this function is an object of class “MSstatsWeightedSummary”. The next section explains how to access elements of this object.

Two additional functions are provided for users who require more customized workflow. Function getPeptideProteinWeights calculates feature-protein weights for a given combination of protein-level summary and feature-level data, while summarizeProteinsClusterSingleRun estimates protein-level data for a given set of weights and data from a single MS run.

Diagnostics and plotting

Output of the getWeightedProteinSummary function is an extension of the output of proteinSummarization from MSstatsTMT. It includes the following elements:

  • feature-level (input) data accessed with featureData function,
  • protein-level (summary) data accessed with proteinData function,
  • final feature-protein weights accessed with featureWeights function,
  • information about convergence of the algorithm accessed with convergenceSummary function,
  • optional history of convergence accessed with convergenceHistory function,
  • optional history of weights accessed with weightsHistory function.
head(featureData(summary)) # feature-level input data
#>    ProteinName PeptideSequence Charge    PSM Channel Intensity    Run Condition
#>         <char>          <char>  <num> <char>  <fctr>     <num> <fctr>    <fctr>
#> 1:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1       8  91042.57    1_1         8
#> 2:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1       7 110338.30    1_1         7
#> 3:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1       6 129961.28    1_1         6
#> 4:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1       5 134194.66    1_1         5
#> 5:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1       1 169648.74    1_1         1
#> 6:   Prot_0001             P11      1  P11_1       2 164403.55    1_1         2
#>    BioReplicate Mixture TechRepMixture log2IntensityNormalized Cluster
#>          <fctr>  <fctr>         <fctr>                   <num>  <char>
#> 1:          1_1       1              1                16.47425  1__1_1
#> 2:          1_1       1              1                16.75157  1__1_1
#> 3:          1_1       1              1                16.98772  1__1_1
#> 4:          1_1       1              1                17.03397  1__1_1
#> 5:          1_1       1              1                17.37219  1__1_1
#> 6:          1_1       1              1                17.32688  1__1_1
head(proteinData(summary)) # output summary
#> Key: <Run, Channel>
#>       Run Channel   Protein Abundance Mixture TechRepMixture Condition
#>    <fctr>  <char>    <char>     <num>  <fctr>         <fctr>    <fctr>
#> 1:    1_1       1 Prot_0001  16.16886       1              1         1
#> 2:    1_1       1 Prot_0002  16.94093       1              1         1
#> 3:    1_1       1 Prot_0003  14.28871       1              1         1
#> 4:    1_1       2 Prot_0001  16.07184       1              1         2
#> 5:    1_1       2 Prot_0002  17.03870       1              1         2
#> 6:    1_1       2 Prot_0003  14.22520       1              1         2
#>    BioReplicate
#>          <fctr>
#> 1:          1_1
#> 2:          1_1
#> 3:          1_1
#> 4:          1_1
#> 5:          1_1
#> 6:          1_1
featureWeights(summary, shared_only = TRUE) # Weights
#>     ProteinName                           PSM    Run    Weight IsUnique
#>          <char>                        <char> <fctr>     <num>   <lgcl>
#>  1:   Prot_0001 PS1Prot0001Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.0000000    FALSE
#>  2:   Prot_0002 PS1Prot0001Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 1.0000000    FALSE
#>  3:   Prot_0003 PS1Prot0001Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.0000000    FALSE
#>  4:   Prot_0001         PS1Prot0001Prot0002_1    1_1 0.3905934    FALSE
#>  5:   Prot_0002         PS1Prot0001Prot0002_1    1_1 0.6094066    FALSE
#>  6:   Prot_0001         PS1Prot0001Prot0003_1    1_1 0.5848836    FALSE
#>  7:   Prot_0003         PS1Prot0001Prot0003_1    1_1 0.4151164    FALSE
#>  8:   Prot_0002         PS1Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.5508112    FALSE
#>  9:   Prot_0003         PS1Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.4491888    FALSE
#> 10:   Prot_0001 PS2Prot0001Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.0000000    FALSE
#> 11:   Prot_0002 PS2Prot0001Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.7402802    FALSE
#> 12:   Prot_0003 PS2Prot0001Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.2597198    FALSE
#> 13:   Prot_0001         PS2Prot0001Prot0002_1    1_1 0.4577356    FALSE
#> 14:   Prot_0002         PS2Prot0001Prot0002_1    1_1 0.5422644    FALSE
#> 15:   Prot_0001         PS2Prot0001Prot0003_1    1_1 0.3429757    FALSE
#> 16:   Prot_0003         PS2Prot0001Prot0003_1    1_1 0.6570243    FALSE
#> 17:   Prot_0002         PS2Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.5983119    FALSE
#> 18:   Prot_0003         PS2Prot0002Prot0003_1    1_1 0.4016881    FALSE
#>    Cluster    Run NumIterations FinalDiffValue tolerance Converged
#>     <char> <char>         <int>          <num>     <num>    <lgcl>
#> 1:  1__1_1    1_1             7     0.09036566       0.1      TRUE

Summary can be plotted for a given cluster or set of proteins using plotSummary function.

plotSummary(summary, cluster = "1__1_1")

It is also possible to obtain protein cluster information via proteinClusters function.

MSstatsTMT workflow

Function makeMSstatsTMTInput can be used to convert output of summarization to a format suitable for use with the groupComparisonTMT function. Optional parameter msstatstmt_output can be provided to merge output of proteinSummarization with shared peptides-based summary.

Currently, since protein-level normalization is done in the proteinSummarization step of MSstats workflow, it is not possible to use “Norm” Channel to jointly normalize output of unique-peptide based summarization (done with MSstatsTMT) and cluster summarization (done with MSstatsWeightedSummary) using functionalities of either of the packages. We intend to add this feature in the future.

gc_input = makeMSstatsTMTInput(summary)
#> List of 2
#>  $ FeatureLevelData:Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   168 obs. of  13 variables:
#>   ..$ ProteinName            : chr [1:168] "Prot_0001" "Prot_0001" "Prot_0001" "Prot_0001" ...
#>   ..$ PeptideSequence        : chr [1:168] "P11" "P11" "P11" "P11" ...
#>   ..$ Charge                 : num [1:168] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ PSM                    : chr [1:168] "P11_1" "P11_1" "P11_1" "P11_1" ...
#>   ..$ Channel                : Factor w/ 8 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
#>   ..$ Intensity              : num [1:168] 91043 110338 129961 134195 169649 ...
#>   ..$ Run                    : Factor w/ 1 level "1_1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ Condition              : Factor w/ 8 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
#>   ..$ BioReplicate           : Factor w/ 1 level "1_1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ Mixture                : Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ TechRepMixture         : Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ log2IntensityNormalized: num [1:168] 16.5 16.8 17 17 17.4 ...
#>   ..$ Cluster                : chr [1:168] "1__1_1" "1__1_1" "1__1_1" "1__1_1" ...
#>   ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
#>   ..- attr(*, "index")= int(0) 
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "__Cluster")= int(0) 
#>  $ ProteinLevelData:Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   24 obs. of  8 variables:
#>   ..$ Run           : Factor w/ 1 level "1_1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ Channel       : chr [1:24] "1" "1" "1" "2" ...
#>   ..$ Protein       : chr [1:24] "Prot_0001" "Prot_0002" "Prot_0003" "Prot_0001" ...
#>   ..$ Abundance     : num [1:24] 16.2 16.9 14.3 16.1 17 ...
#>   ..$ Mixture       : Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ TechRepMixture: Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..$ Condition     : Factor w/ 8 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ...
#>   ..$ BioReplicate  : Factor w/ 1 level "1_1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
#>   ..- attr(*, "sorted")= chr [1:2] "Run" "Channel"
#>   ..- attr(*, "index")= int(0) 
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "__Protein")= int [1:24] 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 2 5 ...
# Contrasts matrix
cm = matrix(c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
              0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
              0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
              0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
            byrow = TRUE, ncol = 8)
colnames(cm) = as.character(1:8)
row.names(cm) = paste(1:4, "vs", 5:8)

gc_output = groupComparisonTMT(gc_input, cm, use_log_file = FALSE)
#> INFO  [2024-09-17 12:03:01] Design: 1 mixture.
#> INFO  [2024-09-17 12:03:01] Design: 1 MS run per mixture.
#> INFO  [2024-09-17 12:03:01] Design: 1 subject per condition (No biological variation).
#> INFO  [2024-09-17 12:03:01] Model fitting for 3 proteins.
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  33%  |                                                                              |===============================================                       |  67%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
#> INFO  [2024-09-17 12:03:01] Testing for 3 proteins:
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  33%  |                                                                              |===============================================                       |  67%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
#>       Protein  Label      log2FC    SE    DF pvalue adj.pvalue
#>        <fctr> <char>       <num> <num> <num>  <num>      <num>
#>  1: Prot_0001 1 vs 5 -0.32302748   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  2: Prot_0001 2 vs 6 -0.28129458   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  3: Prot_0001 3 vs 7 -0.41480253   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  4: Prot_0001 4 vs 8 -0.85946263   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  5: Prot_0002 1 vs 5 -0.12743993   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  6: Prot_0002 2 vs 6 -0.40505177   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  7: Prot_0002 3 vs 7 -0.33734986   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  8: Prot_0002 4 vs 8 -0.26747381   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>  9: Prot_0003 1 vs 5  0.06348433   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#> 10: Prot_0003 2 vs 6  0.16007991   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#> 11: Prot_0003 3 vs 7 -0.19260057   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#> 12: Prot_0003 4 vs 8  0.03574476   NaN     0    NaN        NaN
#>                         issue
#>                        <char>
#>  1: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  2: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  3: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  4: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  5: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  6: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  7: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  8: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#>  9: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#> 10: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#> 11: SingleMeasurePerCondition
#> 12: SingleMeasurePerCondition