Create visualization of network
Use results from INDRA to generate a visualization of the a network on Cytoscape Desktop. Note that the Cytoscape Desktop app must be open for this function to work.
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
logfcCutoff = 0.5,
node_label_column = "id",
main_targets = c()
- nodes
dataframe of nodes consisting of columns id (chararacter), pvalue (number), logFC (number)
- edges
dataframe of edges consisting of columns source (character), target (character), interaction (character), evidenceCount (number), evidenceLink (character)
- pvalueCutoff
p-value cutoff for coloring significant proteins. Default is 0.05
- logfcCutoff
log fold change cutoff for coloring significant proteins. Default is 0.5
- node_label_column
The column of the nodes dataframe to use as the node label. Default is "id". "hgncName" can be used for gene name.
- main_targets
character vector of main targets to stand-out with a different node shape. Default is an empty vector c(). IDs of main targets should match the column used by the node_label_column parameter.
input <- data.table::fread(system.file(
package = "MSstatsBioNet"
subnetwork <- getSubnetworkFromIndra(input)
#> Warning: NOTICE: This function includes third-party software components
#> that are licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License. Please ensure to
#> include the third-party licensing agreements if redistributing this
#> package or utilizing the results based on this package.
#> See the LICENSE file for more details.
visualizeNetworks(subnetwork$nodes, subnetwork$edges)
#> Warning: Visualization is not available in non-interactive mode.